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Walgrave Primary School


Sycamore is a Year 5 class taught by Mr Reed supported by Miss Stiles. Together, they work hard to ensure they children are supported in the best possible way whilst encouraging them to develop their independence. 

They are constantly keeping their pupils on their toes, challenging their learning, collaborating with their ideas, encouraging them in their strengths and supporting each pupil as they demonstrate determination, perseverance and resilience, in order to make the very best of themselves and their personal progress. And who could forget - having fun along the way?!?!  There's always a surprise never too far away when you're part of Sycamore.

Throughout the year, Sycamore will cover a range of exciting topics and have opportunities to showcase their work. 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday 

Please take a look at our half termly Class Letter to see the exciting topics we will be covering in class!


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