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Walgrave Primary School

Sports Premium and Physical Activity

Physical education will form an important part of your child’s education and the school has developed this area of the curriculum dramatically over recent years.

Opportunities exist both within and outside the school day, through the curriculum and via out of hours provision.

Uniquely, amongst local schools, your child will benefit from the onsite heated swimming pool, which is in use between April and October each year. Our playground has markings for football and netball and whilst the school does not have its own playing field, the local village playing field is used in the summer term and as a base for our annual 'Sports Day'.

We provide many sporting opportunities through clubs at Walgrave, these include:

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Tag Rugby
  • Gymnastics
  • Cricket
  • Sailing
  • Volleyball
  • Bootcamp
  • Dance (including competing in Strictly Junior Northampton each year)

In addition to this, we have links with Northants County Cricket/Chance to Shine and Northampton Saints, Pacesetters, Hotshots, Freestyle and MAB Gymnastics academy. We actively encourage our children to stay fit and healthy; promoting health and well-being across the community.

Sports Premium

The school has been in receipt of additional government funding specified as 'Sport Premium'.

Each school in England has received £16,000 plus £5 per child on roll. Schools are free to spend the Sport Premium as they see fit since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for all the pupils within their responsibility. This extra funding must be spent on Physical Education and school sport. The following information has been produced which sets out the amount of Sport Premium we have receive, how we intend to use it and its intended impact.

Below is a summary of how much money will be received by Walgrave Primary School, and how we intend to spend the money, and the impact we hope for.

Further information about what the funding is designed for is available here.

Objectives of spending the Primary PE & Sports Grant:

  • To improve the provision of PE and Sports at Walgrave Primary School

  • For PE provision to be judged as good/outstanding by external monitoring

  • To broaden the sporting opportunities and experiences available to all pupils

  • To develop a love of sport and physical activity for all children to carry forward in life

  • To encourage healthy, active lifestyles for all pupils

Sports Premium Spending