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Walgrave Primary School


Walgrave Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all members of the school community to share this commitment.

To this end we will endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued.

The safety and well-being of all children and young people is of paramount importance. We recognise that parents and carers send their children to school each day with the expectation that the school provides a safe and secure environment in which their children can flourish. We therefore have a wide range of measures in place to ensure this is put into practice and is maintained.

Child Protection at Walgrave

Our school staff are trained to be alert to signs of abuse and neglect and will follow the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB) procedures to ensure that children receive appropriate and effective support and protection.

Parents and carers should know that the law requires all school staff to pass on information which gives rise to concern about a child's welfare, including risk from neglect. The staff will seek to discuss any concerns with the parent/carer and, where possible, inform them of the referral to Social Care. This will only occur where such discussion will not place the child at increased risk of significant harm.

In accordance with local Information sharing protocols, we will ensure that information is shared securely and sensitively. Information will only be shared with other services where it is deemed necessary and proportionate to ensure that children are safe and receive the right support.

School will seek advice from Social Care when they have reasonable cause to suspect a child may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Occasionally concerns are passed on which are later shown to be unfounded. Parents/carers will appreciate that the member of staff in the school responsible for Child Protection (known as the Designated Lead or Officer) is charged with carrying out their responsibilities in accordance with the law and acting in the best interest of the child.


We have a number of policies in place at Walgrave, which support our ethos for ensuring our children are safe, secure and in an environment where they can learn, thrive and shine.

These are available from our Policies section.

Induction and Training

All our staff and volunteers have an induction schedule, which includes safeguarding training plus every member of staff has formal training every two years.

This knowledge is maintained throughout the school year with bite size reminders and updates on current practices and law.

Robust Recruitment Procedures

As a school we take time to assess all applications and include clear expectations around safeguarding and suitability to work with children. We apply these protocols and expectations to regular volunteers too. Candidates should be expected to answer questions around safeguarding in their recruitment selection day.

PSHE Curriculum and E Safety Curriculum

Through our Personal Social and Health Education curriculum, children will learn how to keep themselves safe (age appropriate).

Similarly, with IT taking a leading part in our children's everyday lives we teach them how to be safe on line and offer workshops for parents too.

Nominated Officers

We have a number of members of staff who undertake the Designated Child Protection Officer role (Designated Lead) across the federation. These are Miss Bates (Acting Headteacher), Mrs Thomas (Acting Assistant Headteacher) Mrs Tuttle (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Roberts (Acting Headteacher at Pitsford) and Miss Pinto (Class Teacher at Pitsford. Our Child Protection/Safeguarding governor is currently Alan Denton.

Site Security

We have stringent management and maintenance of our site to ensure it is safe and secure which includes management of visitors to our site.

All visitors must sign in and wear a visitor badge and be escorted unless they have met our vetting requirements to work in school unsupervised.

First Aid

Our staff are trained to administer first aid and where necessary, we will advise parents of any treatment undertaken in school.

We also have additional paediatric first aiders around the school to support when necessary and to manage medicine administration.

Safeguarding Resources