Medical Advice
Please contact the school before 9.30am to advise if your child is going to be absent from school due to sickness.
Please visit our POLICIES SECTION for a copy of the school's Attendance Policy.
Sickness Guidelines for Exclusion from School
Please click HERE for an infection control guideline for more common ailments/conditions.
Please note that for all sickness and diarrhoea related illnesses, the school would not expect the child to return to school until 48 hours have elapsed since the last episode. An early return will result in parents being contacted to take their child home.
Management of Headlice
Headlice are extremely common in close-knit environments such as schools.
Please click HERE to access information on the management of headlice.
Medicines in School
Occasionally your child may be well enough to attend school but require medicine throughout the day.
Please see the school's Health & Safety Policy in our POLICIES SECTION giving details of when this is possible and what information we need from you.
Please complete the Medicine Consent Form if the school is required to administer any medicines to your child. This form needs to be handed to a member of staff along with the medicine for them to pass on the the school office..
First Aid in School
We have a number of staff qualified to undertake first aid.
Where your child has been treated by a first aider, a log will be kept in school. If it is more serious, we will contact you explaining the details of the incident and the treatment provided to ensure you are informed should further treatment become necessary.
Where a child requires emergency treatment this will be sought by the staff 'in loco parentis' and the parents will be contacted by phone.
If your child has bumped their head at school, we will issue them with a wristband to advise you. Please click this LINK for more information.
If you wish to talk with a nurse from the School Nursing Service please phone 01536 452228.
Children’s First Aid
All children from Year 3 upwards receive practical First Aid training, which becomes progressively more advanced throughout Key Stage 2.