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Walgrave Primary School


Curriculum Vision Statement:

Learning is a shared commitment; we recognise that education involves children, parents, staff and the wider community.

At the end of their time at Walgrave Primary School our children exemplify our key values and leave us with an appreciation for their place in the global community.  They have the knowledge and personal skills to both succeed in the world and value their unique brilliance.  Through the enjoyment of our curriculum children celebrate their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.


Children embody our values with an appreciation for their place in the global community.  Through their enjoyment of our curriculum, they have the knowledge and personal skills to succeed in the world and recognise their unique brilliance.

Our Values:

Collaboration; Enjoyment; Responsibility; Respect; Innovation; Challenge

Children will:

Have opportunity to identify these values in key role models, events, experiences and opportunities and be rewarded for behaving in ways which align with our values. They will identify how these values can contribute to their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.

Personal skills:

Self-regulation; Self-reliance; Self-care; Social skills; Academic skills; Practical skills

Children will:

Have opportunities to develop their skills through the Walgrave curriculum, identify these skills in key role models, events, experiences and opportunities and be rewarded for practising and honing their skills. These skills, learnt strategies and the ability to acquire new skills will contribute to their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.


National Curriculum

Global community

Walgrave Curriculum 

Children will:

Have opportunity to develop their knowledge through the Walgrave curriculum, and broaden their knowledge and awareness of the global community (Cultural capital) through key role models, events, experiences and opportunities. They will recognise the importance of knowledge and understand how this knowledge can contribute to their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.


Our curriculum is underpinned by two main threads:

  • 1 - Diverse real-life experiences (Cultural Capital)

Ensure that the curriculum provides opportunity for children to benefit from a good range of experiences which broaden their understanding of diversity, enable them to understand life beyond their day to day experience, build resilience, and give them the cultural capital and knowledge needed to succeed.

  • 2 – Confidence in spoken, written and creative development of knowledge and skills

Ensure that the curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop a rich and broad vocabulary, the effective teaching of reading, writing, multi-media and artistic expression. Children gain understanding of risk-taking, problem-solving and the development of their learning processes and gain confidence and resilience as learners and presenters.



We have a planned progression of learning which builds on prior knowledge and prepares children for the next stage in their development and towards clearly defined end points.

Our curriculum management system (Maestro) and the resources offered within it (Cornerstones) enable subject leaders to structure the sequence of learning into a logical systematic progression for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills.

Teachers use the progression of key concepts, knowledge and skills to plan and deliver lessons that reflect the curriculum drivers and foster a love of learning for every child.

Using the outdoors as a learning environment is fundamental to our values and this can be school based or with enrichment visits to other locations. Trips/activities are vital to enhance the learning opportunities we offer our children.

 We also view our local community as so valuable to our children’s learning, so we seek to thread these links into the curriculum throughout the year, as appropriate.



At Walgrave Primary School we have high expectations of what every child is able to achieve, and by the End of Key Stage 2 our children do extremely well when compared with local and national results across all subjects. Our curriculum prioritises core skills in reading, writing and maths whilst ensuring that children develop a wide range of knowledge and skills across the wider National Curriculum. We seek to meet the needs of individual and small groups of children through high-quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where needed.

At the end of their time at Walgrave Primary School our children exemplify our key values and leave us with an appreciation for their place in the global community. We ensure that quality teaching enables children to develop a love of learning. Subject leaders and class teachers work hard to plan a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum that enables all children to develop a deep understanding of the topics covered, enabling them to leave us at the end of their primary journey, ready to tackle the KS3 curriculum. Enjoyment of our curriculum is at the heart of each child’s journey to academic excellence.

Monitoring & Reviewing the impact of our curriculum:

As a staff team we seek to challenge ourselves and each other and take a shared responsibility to ensuring every child is successful.

Our values provide the focus for monitoring activities resulting in the opportunity for self-reflection, learning and development.

This is achieved through:

  • Formal performance management and appraisal of teachers
  • Team teaching and working alongside teaching colleagues
  • Pupil progress meetings
  • Learning walks and formal lesson observations
  • Effective feedback for staff, and opportunities for self-reflection and coaching-style conversations
  • Talking to children about their learning in lessons
  • Scrutinising work in children’s books
  • Overseeing pupil assessment records


It is the role of each Subject Leader and/or team to keep up-to-date with developments in their subject, at both national and local level. They review the way the subject is taught in the school, and plan for improvement - development planning links to whole-school objectives and priorities. Each Subject Leader reviews the curriculum plans for the subject and sees that knowledge, progression and acquisition of skills is planned into schemes of work.