Walgrave Primary School is a Maintained Community Primary School fully funded by Northamptonshire County Council.
The governors agree to accept the Admission Policy guidelines produced by Northamptonshire County Council.
Children are admitted to school at the beginning of the school year (September - August) in which they are 5.
The Online Application Process opens on the 10th September and closes on the 15th January. Parents are advised if they have been successful in securing a place on 16th April. Applications received after 16th January will be dealt with in an additional round in May.
PAN for Walgrave (Pupil Admission Number)
The PAN which has been determined for Walgrave is 24. This is the number of pupils which can be accepted for each class unless Northamptonshire Admissions determine otherwise, usually following an appeal.
Catchment Area
Walgrave and the surrounding rural areas and the villages of Hannington, Holcot and Old. In case of equal merit in each set of criteria (see below) priority will go to children living nearest the school as measured by a straight line.
Oversubscription Criteria
Where there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:
- Children in public care or previously in public care who ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order);
- Children who live in the linked area(s) of the relevant schools;
- Children with a sibling (brother or sister) continuing at the school at the time of admission;
- Other children.
If the Published Admission Number (PAN) is exceeded within any criterion, priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.
Where two or more applications cannot otherwise be separated, random allocation will be used to decide which applicant should be allocated a place. This process will be independently verified.
Where parents/carers are unsuccessful in securing a place at our school, please click for information and guidance for the Appeals process.
Admission Contacts
Northamptonshire County Council - Admissions Department or phone 0300 126 7000
September Foundation Stage Intake
Please refer to the West Northamptonshire County Council School Admissions website for detailed information on the application process.
In Year Applications
Please refer to the Northamptonshire County Council School Admissions website for detailed information on the transfer process including an application form.
We do like to invite potential applicants to visit the school and get a feel for our values and see the school in action.